(November 2011)



Throughout the document, the term “Online Program” can refer either to the online activity of the entire institution or to that of an academic program or unit within the institution. In either case, many of the criteria discussed here can be met only by an institution-level effort.





Online instruction is embraced in the institution’s mission, and the vision, purpose, and educational philosophy for online education are made clear.


  1. Institutional leaders’ commitment to online education is demonstrated through
    1. Public statements.
    1. Strategic planning documents.
    1. Budgetary support.
    1. Academic and administrative policies that reflect a concern for unique aspects of the Online Program.
    1. Inclusion of the Online Program in the institution’s compliance with relevant federal, state, or other governmental policies.

  1. Strategic planning
    1. The Online Program is included in the institutional strategic planning process and documents.
    1. Goals for online education in institutional strategic plans are matched by resource commitments that support online instructors, online students, and the infrastructure for online instructional delivery.
  1. The Online Program mission statement
    1. States the purpose and goals of the Online Program. 
    1. Places online learning in a broader institutional context.
    1. Reflects a commitment to quality and quality assurance.
    1. Is periodically reviewed and approved by key stakeholders as part of the institution’s governing process.
  1. Staffing
    1. Sufficient professional, administrative, and support staff are allocated to carry out the institution’s mission and goals for online education.
    1. Staff and faculty engaged in online education are provided with the skills and tools they need to ensure the Online Program is effective.
  1. Resource commitments
    1. An adequate long-term commitment to support and sustain the Online Program .
    1. Resources include staffing, infrastructure, and technology investments.
  1. Commitments to students and other stakeholders
    1. Prospective and current students and stakeholders have access to accurate and up-to-date information about the institution’s online offerings, including mission, accreditation, courses and programs, services, policies, fees, recruitment processes and incentives, and other relevant information.
    1. Online Program offerings result in learning appropriate to the rigor and breadth of the course, program, or degree requirements.
  1. Accreditation 

The Online Program is included in the institution’s regional accreditation and, if applicable, has appropriate professional accreditation.


A commitment to quality in online education is evident in curriculum and course design, instructional delivery, and practices used in the assessment of student learning in the Online Program.


  1. Design of courses and curricula
    1. Curricula and individual courses

                                                              i.      Are approved through standard institutional governance processes.

                                                            ii.      Are coherent in their organization and have measurable learning objectives.

                                                          iii.      Are designed with consideration for time and place limitations of students.

                                                          iv.      Promote academic integrity.

                                                            v.      Are designed to accommodate different learning styles.

                                                          vi.      Ensure ease of use and navigability in the course delivery platform.

    1. Course design reflects widely accepted standards, including

                                                              i.      Alignment of activities, materials, and assessments with learning objectives and outcomes.

                                                            ii.      Clearly stated instructions on how to meet the course learning objectives.

                                                          iii.      Interaction between faculty and learners and among learners themselves.

                                                          iv.      Student practice in critical thinking, problem solving, analysis, and synthesis in learning activities.

                                                            v.      Current, high-quality instructional materials and appropriate technology that enable and enrich student learning.

    1. Courses embody good practice in areas such as

                                                              i.      Standards for instructor accessibility.

                                                            ii.      Student performance feedback mechanisms.

                                                          iii.      Accessibility for individuals with disabilities.

                                                          iv.      Compliance with copyright and fair-use policies.

  1. Delivery of instruction
    1. Is grounded in the program’s mission, values, and expectations for student learning.
    1. Is supported by research and best practice.
    1. Is continually refined based on assessment of stakeholders’ needs and the analysis of student learning outcomes.
    1. Is adaptable to best serve different student learning styles.
    1. Accommodates cultural differences among students.
    1. Includes provisions for students with disabilities.
    1. Includes frequent faculty-to-student interaction and fosters student-to-student interaction.
    1. Accommodates time and place limitations of students.
    1. Includes a secure process to certify that coursework and assessments are completed by the student registered for the course.


  1. Assessment of student performance
    1. Is evidence-based.
    1. Is aligned with course and program objectives.
    1. Is designed to accurately measure student attainment of the course educational goals.
    1. Is structured so that students are able to monitor their own learning progress.
    1. Yields information that allows faculty to measure the effectiveness of and, as needed, adjust their teaching methods as well as information that can be used in ongoing course design reviews and revisions.
    1. Is based on the use of multiple assessment methods to measure different aspects of student performance.
    1. Includes formative assessments during the course that support student improvement and success.
    1. Provides for timely and frequent feedback on student progress.




Support for online learners provides a foundation for student success.  Support services are accessible in a format appropriate to online delivery.

  1. Learner support includes

a.       Ensuring learner access to the technologies required in the course.

b.      Accurate and complete information about skills needed to succeed in an online course.

c.       Information about required face-to-face elements of the course, if any.

d.      Information about instructor or course policies, including the course grading policy.

e.       An orientation to online learning technologies and successful online student practices.

f.       Timely, effective technical support.

g.       Academic and administrative services to address students’ academic, developmental, and administrative needs.

h.      Access to electronic library resources and services.

i.        Accommodations for learning disabilities.

j.        Counseling services for individual learner needs.

k.      Information about institutional policies with which the student is expected to comply.



Support provided to faculty takes account of the demands of teaching in the online medium and promotes effective online instruction.

  1. Support for online faculty includes

a.       A policy on class size appropriate for the course delivery model adopted for the online      classroom.

b.      Required training, orientation, and/or mentoring programs, including training in course delivery as well as in the use of the course learning management system.

c.       Timely, effective technical support.

d.      Availability of up-to-date learning management tools.

e.       Access to information about institutional policies with which faculty are expected to comply.

f.       Regular feedback on faculty performance.

g.       Access to professional development opportunities.

h.      Opportunities for faculty to participate in the institution’s planning, curriculum development, and program evaluation processes related to online instruction.



Ongoing evaluation of online offerings and the use of evaluation results for improvement are integral to the Online Program.

  1. Online Program administrators conduct ongoing evaluations that provide for
    1. Regular collection and analysis of data based on national, state, and/or program metrics and principles of good practice.
    1. Use of clearly articulated measures to evaluate learners.
    1. Measurement of student achievement and satisfaction based on valid and reliable assessment techniques.
    1. Evaluation of faculty instructional practices to assure course quality, using clear, consistent policies, measures, and procedures.
    1. Periodic evaluation of courses to ensure quality, consistency with the curriculum, currency, and advancement of the student learning objectives.
    1. Periodic evaluation of the effectiveness of the course learning management system.
    1. Regular evaluation of any externally developed components of the online program.
  1. A culture of continuous program improvement is shown by
    1. Use of strategic and operational planning and evaluation to continuously improve educational programs and services.
    1. Sharing of evaluation results with program stakeholders.
    1. Support for

                                                              i.      Advancement of the Online Program’s vision and mission.

                                                            ii.      Current scholarship in relevant academic disciplines as well as in teaching and learning practice.

                                                          iii.      Student achievement.

    1. Provisions for 

                                                              i.      Satisfaction surveys by students.

                                                            ii.      Evaluation of curriculum and instruction as they relate to student achievement.

                                                          iii.      Regular online faculty performance evaluations.

                                                          iv.      Reviewing and updating policies and procedures.

                                                            v.      Reviewing the appropriateness, effectiveness, and quality of teaching and learning technologies.

                                                          vi.      Regular online course reviews.

    1. Effective use of data to drive instructional and management decision-making.